Craft: Raising the Bar Starts with Yourself

Apr 23, 2020 by Alexandru Bolboaca in  Blog

After the well-received first online edition, I T.A.K.E. Unconference continues with the 8th edition on the 12th of May 2020, for Crafters.
Following our belief that #LearningNeverStops, we continue to bring together online international speakers and top-notch practitioners.

The theme chosen for the 8th edition is Craft: Raising the Bar Starts by Challenging Yourself and includes sessions on: 

  • design heuristics
  • deliberate practice
  • live coding 
  • real games used as learning tools at work
  • new coding exercises for your craft

How is this edition of I TAKE Unconference special?

  • Focus is placed upon new innovative approaches to deliberate practice, robust code and software development
  • Brings together international speakers and top-notch professionals from Europe, the USA and all over the world
  • The sessions include practical examples with the latest techniques applied in various environments, programming languages & technologies
  • Fast-paced, dynamic learning atmosphere
  • Overcoming travel challenges of this Spring

With a focus on practices and practicing, we invite you to explore together through remote live talks and live coding what software craft actually means: raising the bar.

Want to be part of this not-to-miss event? You are welcome to join our group of supporters and partners and bring innovation one step further. Just let us know and we can make it happen.

Let’s continue sharing knowledge by preserving the feeling of a community of peers who learn together, aiming to raise the bar by challenging oneself.

The post Craft: Raising the Bar Starts with Yourself appeared first on (Un) conference about software crafting, technical leadership, code design and architecture | I T.A.K.E. (Un) conferenc.

I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2020 Slides & Photos

Apr 08, 2020

Thank you all for being part of the 7th edition of I T.A.K.E. Unconference.


Want to see more photos? Check our Facebook page here.


We are now planning the 8th edition!


Also, the slides from the presentations are below:
Andrey AdamovichServerless Architectures
Alexandru Bolboaca – Applying Design Principles to Microservices
Armagan AmcalarFive rules of Microservices
Coralia PopaArchitecture evolution from amorphous monolith application to a modular, cloud ready platform
Khaled SoufNobody told me about that: Chronicles about implementing Microservice Architecture
Joe Yoder – Fundamental IDEALS and Domain Driven Design (DDD) for Modelling Modern Service-Based systems (Microservices)

The post I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2020 Slides & Photos appeared first on (Un) conference about software crafting, technical leadership, code design and architecture | I T.A.K.E. (Un) conferenc.

Meet Rebeca Wirfs-Brock, Keynote @ I T.A.K.E. Unconference

Apr 23, 2020

Rebecca is an internationally recognized object design pioneer who invented the set of design practices known as Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD). By accident,  she started the x-Driven Design meme. Along the way, she authored two popular object design books that are still in print and was the design columnist for IEEE Software.

What brought her to I T.A.K.E. Unconference in the first place? As she says:
“The conference is focused on code, it’s s not people waving their hands and speaking theory, and this challenged me as a speaker.”

Rebecca is among the Speakers that joined the first-ever edition of I T.A.K.E. Unconference back in 2013. Now, as the event moves into a digital format, with the 8th edition’s theme Craft: Raising the Bar Starts by Challenging Yourself, Rebecca joins us once more, this time with a talk on how to Grow Your Personal Design Heuristics

Her Keynote Session will focus on ways of becoming better software designers, through becoming more aware of our design heuristics and being more intentional about cultivating and refining them. 

What does Rebecca focus on in her work?
She helps teams hone their design and architecture skills, manage and reduce technical debt, refactor code, address architecture risks, and discover their personal design heuristics. In addition to coaching and personal mentoring, she teaches and conducts workshops on software design skills and thinking, distilling design heuristics, and Agile Architecture. 

Lately, Rebecca is pursuing her interest in software patterns and their relationship to design heuristics in general.

Curious to hear one of Rebecca’s latest talks? Join us on the 12th of May at the 8th edition of I T.A.K.E. Unconference.

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Meet Michael Feathers, Keynote @ I T.A.K.E. Unconference

May 06, 2020

 “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in why things are the way that they are. Over time, that intense curiosity has driven me to learn as much as I can about object orientation and software development in general. I like to find out what works, and what doesn’t and tell people about the boundary conditions.

Michael Feathers is the Founder and Director of R7K Research & Conveyance, a company specializing in software and organization design.
Over the past 20 years, he has consulted with hundreds of organizations, supporting them with general software design issues, process change, and code revitalization.

Prior to that, he was the Chief Scientist of Obtiva and a Senior Consultant with Object Mentor International. Later on, he became a Member of the Technical Staff at Groupon.

Michael introduced a definition of legacy code as code without tests, which reflects the perspective of legacy code being difficult to work with in part due to a lack of automated regression tests. He also defined characterization tests to start putting legacy code under test. 

Over the years, Michael has spent a great deal of time helping teams after design over time in code bases.

A frequent presenter at national and international conferences, Michael is the author of the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Prentice Hall, 2004) and also has written a tool that creates FeatureDiagrams for Java classes.

Curious to hear one of Michael’s latest talks? Join us on the 12th of May at the 8th edition of I T.A.K.E. Unconference.

The post Meet Michael Feathers, Keynote @ I T.A.K.E. Unconference appeared first on (Un) conference about software crafting, technical leadership, code design and architecture | I T.A.K.E. (Un) conferenc.